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Doctors Clinic
May 18, 2022
In General Discussions
We often forget to recognise how demanding yet thankless medical profession is.
A doctor’s role goes unacknowledged and overlooked till a day like this comes along.
I am guilty too but I make a start today to thank you.
For always being there, at odd hours
For dealing with our distress
For resetting our health
For your patience, care and empathy
And above all, for saying that you are always there to care….
Doctors Clinic
May 18, 2022
In General Discussions
A family doctor has a very important role to play as the bond and interface between patients and the medical fraternity. Since we now have specialists for every ailment, regular families of patients need such a doctor both for emotional support and to help them understand and execute the prescribed treatment. So i would say the family doctor plays a very essential and pivotal part in the field of modern medicine.
Doctors Clinic
May 09, 2022
In General Discussions
World Family Doctor Day (FDD) – 19th May - was first declared by WONCA in 2010 and it has become a day to highlight the role and contribution of family doctors and primary care teams in healthcare systems around the world.
This celebration is the perfect opportunity to acknowledge the central role of Family Doctors in the delivery of personal, comprehensive and continuing health care for all patients. It’s also a chance to celebrate the progress being made in family medicine and the special contributions of primary care teams globally. Be part of the #WorldFamilyDoctorDay!
Join World Family Doctor Day using the hashtags:
Doctors Clinic
Aug 21, 2020
In General Discussions
The role of preventive medicine is more important than ever.
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